Computer Vision


After distinguishing main theme, patterns and objects, we have come to a point where computer vision performs more sophisticated jobs. In general, we can differentiate whether the image is a human, a dog or a couch; define face lines, eyes, ears and mouth movements, but beyond that? Beyond identifying the human face as an object, computer vision can solve the meanings of the face such as whether it is happy, angry, dazed or whether it is male, female or at what age. Thanks to computer vision, we can also make predictions about an image. Some of them are turning 2 dimensions into 3 dimensions 1, making measurements with sensitive boards 2, capturing driver’s fatigue 3, creating a security code with the face 4 and determining date 5.

1 Third Dimension

Navigation and map applications generally use images taken from satellites, private imaging planes and ground level vehicles. Images from different angles, combined with details such as building heights and road slopes, add depth to the two-dimensional visuals for a more realistic positioning.


2 Sensitive Boards

Display panels are now able to perceive the age, gender and body dimensions of the person standing in front of them and show people custom products and services. With this new technology, which is highly likely to be applied within the store, it will be possible to try on new clothes with different colors and designs as if using a mirror.


3 Fatigue Warnings

It is known that drivers' reflexes slow down and the risk of accidents increases when driving continues for a long time. Now, the driver’s eye and head movements can be monitored through cameras in cars and trucks. Signs of fatigue combined with steering wheel movements are analyzed together and the driver is alerted. Probable accidents are thus prevented.


4 Security Code from Face

Face recognition as a security code is becoming more common. Even if you wear a hat, a scarf or glasses or change your hairstyle, beard or moustache, the system still recognizes you. Far East applications include using the face as a credit card or as an ignition key for cars. Face ID security models are becoming popular in devices such as mobile phones and computers.


5 Archeological Findings

Computer vision is also used in archeology. Radars that use laser pulses when taking measurements reveal details and relationships that cannot be noticed by the eye. Computer vision has been successful in detecting hidden chambers in massive buildings such as pyramids or identifying buildings and connecting roads that have been concealed as a result of harsh natural conditions. In particular, it emerges as a tool to identify time-scattered life layers of different civilizations and help interpret findings more accurately.